Danilo Bucchi Kittesencula Ltd Drago Publisher Achille Bonito Oliva

Danilo Bucchi (Rome, 1978) studied in Rome, where he attended the Fine Arts Academy, focusing on drawing techniques, painting and photography. The artist showed from the get-go a real determination in basing his own language in a signs’ universe, which refers to the tradition of European abstract art by the first avant-gardes, with the aid of technological techniques and supports.
Danilo Bucchi in 2003 started participating in several group and solo exhibitions, in Italy and worldwide. Among his major solo exhibitions are: Dolls (2008), Contemporary Art Society, Rome; Tema sacro (2011), Museo del Risorgimento, Bologna; Danilo Bucchi (2011), Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive, Spoleto; Signs. The black line (2011), MLAC, Rome; Monochrome (2015), Galleria Poggiali e Forconi, Florence; Paesaggio Sospettato (2016), Galleria Il Ponte Contemporanea, Rome. Between 2014 and 2020, Danilo Bucchi was invited to create four large urban regeneration projects. The year 2017 marks his solo exhibition Lunar Black at the MACRO Museum of Rome, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva, who defined Danilo Bucchi’s work: “A short circuit between the freedom of sign and the strictness of vision”. 2019 is the year of the solo show Seed of grey in the historical Pièce Unique gallery in Paris. In 2022, Danilo Bucchi returns to exhibit in Rome with the solo show BLU, curated by Gianluca Marziani, inside Visionarea Art Space at the Auditorium della Conciliazione. That same year the solo exhibition opened in Paris at Galerie Mazarine Variations. In 2023, the exhibit Volumi, curated by Bernardo Pinto de Almeida, inaugurated in Milan inside the new venue of Galleria Gaburro. Later he opened the installation project Volume V.15, curated by Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, at the Museum MAXXI L’Aquila. His artworks are among important public collection such as: Prato Contemporanea, Bastione Delle Forche, Museo Pecci (Prato, Italy), Collezione Farnesina, Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Rome, Italy), Collicola on the wall, Palazzo Collicola arti Visive (Spoleto, Italy), True lies, Copelouzos Art Museum (Athens, Greece). In 2018, his work Liquid (2016) was included into the permanent collection of the National Gallery of Rome, displayed in 2023 inside the exhibition Time is Out of Joint, curated by Cristiana Collu, in an ideal dialogue with the plaster casts of the Gypsotheque. In 2023 he also took part to the travelling exhibit La grande visione italiana, curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.


Oltretutto is the title of Danilo Bucchi’s latest project, an artist’s book in which the author expresses his point of view on portraiture. A project consistent with the research of Bucchi, who has always investigated the language of the sign and its unconscious origins, but who in this case sees him as a photographer and spectator of other people’s drawings. Eighty portraits, each in dialogue with itself, the appearance that questions the substance, the form that transmits the content. A 160-page book that goes beyond the boundaries of artistic research and draws the user into a game of intimate and at the same time universal references. A project that involved the author for more than nine years and gave life to a catalog raisonné in which the gaze goes beyond the portrait, it goes Beyond. Each portrait tells of itself and each drawing tells of the portrait. Bucchi photographs a varied humanity and invites it to express itself through the form of drawing. Writers, directors, actors, stylists, musicians, curators, directors of museums and unknown faces, met on the streets of Rome, Milan, Berlin, Paris, New York and Tokyo. Edited by Achille Bonito Oliva, Oltretutto gives voice to faces and images that tell a private story through portraiture that Danilo Bucchi has been able to make intelligible and emotional.

Danilo Bucchi Kittesencula Ltd Drago Publisher Achille Bonito Oliva

Danilo Bucchi, Oltretutto

Softcover, 20,5 x 29 cm, 160 pages  |  Drago Publisher  |  ISBN: 978-88-98565-55-9